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Original Franciscan "Third Order" -- Confraternity of Penitents
Make Every Day a Path to Holiness
CfP Retreats
Scripture tells us that Jesus rose early in the morning and spent time in solitary prayer and even spent entire nights in prayer. He took solitary respites to make time for prayer even though He had many important matters to tend to. By doing so, He demonstrated the essential need to make time for prayer. He instructed His apostles and followers to go away by themselves to a deserted place and rest, and to go to their room and close the door to pray. Jesus “had no place to rest,” according to the Bible, but the words of the psalms and gospels became His favorite resting places in the Heart of God.
St. Francis took this practice of the Lord very seriously. He and his brothers spent hours each week alone with God in prayer. He was often seen praying alone in the woods, in caves, on cliffs, and in abandoned churches. Just as St. Francis and the early penitents got together and spent much time alone with God, we also take this practice very seriously and “leave the world” to contemplate the Word and lift our hearts to the Lord in the many retreats offered through the Confraternity of Penitents.
Beyond meals and lodging, our retreats offer:
* Time for Holy Mass or Divine Liturgy where we leave the world for that “deserted place,” hear the Word of God, lift our hearts to Him, and receive from Him the spiritual nourishment of the Eucharist
* Time before the Blessed Sacrament and the Monstrance where we become absorbed in intimacy with Him Who is eternal Truth
* The opportunity to pledge to live the Rule and Constitutions together with the support of the Minister General and other members of the Confraternity
* Time for spiritual direction and confession where we share, reflect, receive support, and the healing graces of the Lord
* A series of presentations from a religious, experienced retreat master where we learn to grow in holiness, and deepen our faith and relationship with God and each other
* A sharing together in song and the communal recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours where we make the hours holy in our praise and thanksgiving to the Lord
* A “deserted place” in nature where we enter into the quiet, in contemplative prayer, the rosary, private prayer, or spiritual reading, and rest our heads on His Heart and listen
* Time for sharing with other retreatants privately or in groups where we give of ourselves to each other and become more of one mind and heart
* The opportunity to purchase spiritual books, media, recordings of retreat presentations, and many other religious items from our Confraternity of Penitents Holy Angels Gift Shop
The Confraternity of Penitents strongly encourages you to rest on the Heart of Jesus by making an annual spiritual retreat together with your brothers and sisters, because in no other place is the same Love, and there; enjoy a return to Love.
Please indicate your intent to make an annual retreat and check all that apply, then copy and paste into form and email to us. :
______ I intend to attend the annual retreat in the year_____________________
______ I cannot attend the retreat this year.
______ I would like to purchase a recording of the retreat presentation (when available).
Information on upcoming retreats is listed below:
Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center:
Jan 17th – 19th 2025
Friday 5pm – Sunday 10am
“Silence, Solitude & The Presence of God”
Lead By Friar Gabriel M. Cortes F.I.
During this retreat Friar Gabriel will walk the retreatants through the three practices that make for a healthy & robust prayer life. He will take a look at what it means to spend time in silence with the very One who loved us into existence and in whose Presence we live and move and have our being.
Sign up now! by calling: 812-825-4642 extension #1
Cost of the retreat:
241.00 1 person per room
302.00 -2 persons per room
368- 3 persons per room
433.0- 4 persons per room
2 handicap rooms available
Includes 3 meals on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday
2 kitchenettes available for special food preparation for those who need it
We can Meet as a group
This is an excellent place fora retreat. I go routinely.
If interested, please contact Lucy Fernandez
Confraternity of Penitents Retreat, Reunion, Conference

Franciscan Retreat, Reunion, Conference Sponsored by the Confraternity of Penitents
(Planned schedule, God willing, of course)
All at St. Felix Catholic Center, 1280 Hitzfield St, Huntington, IN USA 46750. Father Joseph Tuscan, OFM Cap, and CFP Spiritual Guardian, Retreat Master
Bring your own towels, wash cloth, body wash, and water bottle and fan. Other linens and all meals provided. Overnight retreatants: $230 plus $30 worth of food or paper goods OR $30 cash.
Single day rate (no overnight) - $40 per day.
Retreat Deposit of $50 can be made on this link.
Mark your calendars for the following Retreat Dates:
October 15-19, 2025: Theme More In Depth Reflection on Francis of Assisi: A Meditation on His Life and Writings by Joshua Benson (This is a continuation of the theme in the 2024 retreat. 2024 retreat talks are linked to from the top of this page.)
October 21-25, 2026
October 6 - 10, 2027
The CfP Life Pledged Retreat is for CfP members who have made a pledge to live the CfP Rule for life or who are at the end of Novice 3 formation and are considering such a pledge. CfP Life Pledged Retreat 2025 will be held at Mount Saint Francis Hermitage, Endicott NY, from Wednesday, April 30, to Sunday, May 4. Fr. Joseph Tuscan, OFM Cap, will be retreat master. The CfP Council meeting will be held on Friday, May 2, as part of this retreat. $35 per night plus $25 for food or $25 worth of food plus a stipend of your choice for Fr. Tuscan. Limited to 16 overnight rooms. Day commuters welcome
Preliminary Schedule
Wednesday, April 30
Arrival -- 4 - 4:30 p.m.
5 p.m. Evening Prayer followed by Dinner
7:30 p.m. Mass, Evening Prayer, Night Prayer and retire for the night.
Retreat Theme: To Be Announced. Confession available throughout retreat.
Thursday: May 1 will contain Mass, Divine Office, CFP Prayers, CFP Informational Session, first talk by Fr. Joe Tuscan.
Friday: May 2 will contain Mass, Divine Office, CFP Prayers, CFP Council Meeting, 2nd talk by Fr. Joe Tuscan.
Saturday: May 3 will contain Mass, Divine Office, CFP Prayers, 3rd talk by Fr. Joe Tuscan televised via Zoom. Afternoon brainstorm sessions on CFP growth, outreach.
Sunday, May 4: 7 a.m. Mass and depart.
Retreat Deposit of $50 (Only Pledged Members and Those Ready to Pledge Accepted) may be made on this link.
Confraternity of Penitents Retreat, Reunion, Conference 2025
October 15-19, 2025 at St. Felix Catholic Center, Huntington IN USA. Fr. Joseph Tuscan, OFM Cap, and CFP Spiritual Guardian, Retreat Master. Mark your calendars and plan to attend! Bring your own towels, wash cloth, body wash, and water bottle. Other linens and all meals provided.
Confraternity of Penitents Life Pledged Retreat 2026
The CfP Life Pledged Retreat is for CfP members who have made a pledge to live the CfP Rule for life or who are at the end of Novice 3 formation and are considering such a pledge. CfP Life Pledged Retreat 2026 will be held at Mount Saint Francis Hermitage, Endicott NY, from Wednesday, April 22, to Sunday, April 26, 2026. Fr. Joseph Tuscan, OFM Cap, CFP Spiritual Guardian, will be retreat master. The CfP Council meeting will be held on Friday, April 24, as part of this retreat. $35 per night plus $25 for food or $25 worth of food plus a stipend of your choice for Fr. Tuscan. Limited to 16 overnight rooms. Day commuters welcome
Confraternity of Penitents Retreat, Reunion, Conference 2026
October 21-25, 2026 at St. Felix Catholic Center, Huntington IN USA. Fr. Joseph Tuscan, OFM Cap, and CFP Spiritual Guardian, Retreat Master. Mark your calendars and plan to attend! Bring your own towels, wash cloth, body wash, and water bottle. Other linens and all meals provided.