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Original Franciscan "Third Order" -- Confraternity of Penitents
Make Every Day a Path to Holiness
Donors to Mary's Glen

There is no greater priority than this: to enable the people of our time once more to encounter God, the God who speaks to us and shares his love so that we might have life in abundance (cf. Jn 10:10). (Pope Benedict XVI, VERBUM DOMINI, 2). This is the purpose of Mary’s Glen.
We thank:
The Lord for the gift of this property and for the ability to create Mary’s Glen.
All who prayed for this effort.
All who donated financially to this effort.
All who donated time and energy to this effort.
Bishop Kevin Rhoades for welcoming the Confraternity of Penitents to use this property and to develop it.
The Paul and Donna Schoenle family for donating this property to the Diocese.
Our Sunday Visitor Institute, the Charlie Tippmann Foundation, and Saint Mary’s Heritage Foundation for their grants toward structures in the Glen, website on the saints in the Glen, and completion of the Glen.
Tim Luncsford, Property Manager, for overseeing the development of the Glen and for his countless hours of work on it.
Andy Passino for many hours spent completing Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii prayer chapel for his three year efforts in clearing the overgrown den, demolishing old structures, getting rid of debris, and all around guidance and work to make the Glen what it is today.
Knights of Columbus Holy Trinity Council 1271, New Haven, IN, for their financial help toward erecting the Holy House and for physical labor in completing the Glen.
Knights of Columbus Corpus Christi Council 7839, Kendallville IN; Knights of Columbus Father Aloysius Phillips Council 7555, Bluffton, IN; and Knights of Columbus St. Aloysius Council 13142, Yoder IN, for their financial help toward erecting the Holy House.
The Franciscan Friars Minor for their assistance with the Glen and Father David Mary Engo, FFM, for his advocacy in helping bring the Confraternity of Penitents to Fort Wayne.
Tom Lonsway and his Scout Troop from Charles Borromeo for their renovation of the gazebo.
An Anonymous Donor for her sponsorship of Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii Prayer Chapel.
Dennis Villa for donating the icons in Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii Prayer Chapel.
Our Lady, Cause of Our Joy Chapter of the Confraternity of Penitents for their donation of the Holy Family statue in the Holy House.
Jackie and Mark Stevens for their donation of Our Lady’s statue as you enter the Glen.
Michael and Bethany Nugent for their donation of the Mary Shrine near the Gazebo.
Our Sunday Visitor for their donation of literature for our literature racks.
Summit City Roofing and Our Lady of Mercy Center for donation of slate tiles for the Fence of Saints.
Joe Stefanek and Ace Tent Rental for donating the tent and chairs for the Dedication.
Joe Romie and Tim Luncsford for taking photos of the Blessing of the Glen. These are posted on this link.
The many sponsors of the 100 slate tiles on the Fence of Saints. Their names are recorded in the Fence of Saints book in Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii Prayer Chapel.
The many volunteers, too numerous to mention, who assisted over the past three years to clear the Glen. We thank especially students from Bishop Dwenger High School who came out in masse one afternoon for a major cleanup effort.
The many friends, CFP members, and family members who assisted in final work on the Glen with their manual labor in many different areas and in preparing the literature and signage in the Glen.
We are profoundly grateful for all your help. May God bless and reward each of you.
Mary’s Glen is a ministry of the Confraternity of Penitents. The Confraternity is a public supported, non-profit, tax exempt 501c3 religious organization as classified by the IRS. It is also an international, canonically approved private association of the Roman Catholic faithful under Bishop Kevin Rhoades. Your donations are much appreciated and completely tax deductible.
Confraternity of Penitents (CFP)
1702 Lumbard Street
Fort Wayne IN 46803