Click on the San Damiano Crucifix to learn the meaning, symbolism, history, and theology of the San Damiano Crucifix, the symbol of the Confraternity of Penitents
Original Franciscan "Third Order" -- Confraternity of Penitents
Make Every Day a Path to Holiness

Be not afraid follow Me
Trust Me be not afraid
Be not afraid Your sorrows
I love you become Joy
at your side at My feet
to the end of the age in the blink
trust Me of an eye
the world is slipping away evil will die
with hatred be not afraid
I am Peace trust Me
Listen to Me hold on to Me
Believe I make all new
Trust I am Peace
Love I am with you
You will suffer walk with Me
I am with you talk to Me
be not afraid Light
trust Me will overcome
I am Peace darkness
Light be not afraid
Truth Love
You are My witness be not afraid
love wins I am Love
the Crown of glory REJOICE!

There is something natural in fearing the unknown. We who believe in Christ, who are grafted upon His Mystical Body, need not fear death. In his timeless Canticle of the Creatures, in his joy and humility, Saint Francis sings his thanks to God for “Sister Bodily Death”.
Laudato si mi Signore, per sora nostra Morte corporale,
da la quale nullu homo uiuente pò skappare:
guai a quelli ke morrano ne le peccata mortali;
beati quelli ke trouarà ne le Tue sanctissime uoluntati,
ka la morte secunda no 'l farrà male.
Praised be You, my Lord,
through our Sister Bodily Death,
from whom no living man can escape.
Woe to those who die in mortal sin.
Blessed are those who will
find *(themselves in) Your most holy will,
for the second death shall do them no harm.
St. Francis warns of being in the state of mortal sin when death comes. He calls “blessed” those who are in the state of grace, living in God’s Holy Will, when death comes. They will not experience the “second death” of eternal tragedy – the loss of their soul forever separated from the love of God. Eternal tragedy or eternal bliss: which will we choose? God has given us every means for our salvation. We have the power to choose. As Moses said to the people (Deut 30:15-20), “Today I have set before you life and prosperity, death and doom. If you obey the commandments of the LORD, your God which I enjoin on you today, loving him and walking in his ways, and keeping his commandments, statutes and decrees, you will live and grow numerous, and the LORD, your God will bless you in the land you are entering to occupy. If, however, you turn away your hearts and will not listen, but are led astray and adore and serve other gods, I tell you now that you will certainly perish; … I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then, that your descendants may live…”
What happens at death? Being a body/soul composite, God intended for us to enter into eternal life with both our body and soul. Adam and Eve lost this great gift when they committed the Original Sin and disobeyed God. Sin entered into the world and, with it, death. Now we suffer death, the separation of our body and soul. This will not be forever.
When we die, we face our particular judgment, instantly. We face God. In the light of God, we see all that we are before Him. We know where we belong and we will go there, in God’s perfect mercy and justice. Those of us who leave this earth in the peace of Christ, yet still so imperfect will have the mercy of going to that place of purification called Purgatory. We must not forget the souls in Purgatory as they can no longer merit for themselves – they cannot do anything to help themselves anymore. Game over. Time is up. They can only be helped by OUR prayers and sacrifices, especially the Holy Mass, offered for their souls. Remember, we are all in this together. Our sins are not private, neither are our good works and things we do that please the LORD. When we offer these for the souls who have passed from this world, we surely are helping them attain their final destination, the promised hope of Heaven.
There is no hope in Hell. That is lost.
On the last day, when the LORD returns in glory with His angels to judge all men and all the nations – this is called the general judgment – we will get our bodies back. They will be united to us and will share in everlasting glory or everlasting pain.
This is all very dramatic. Even more consequential is the “drama” of the LORD’s Passion and death that the Church puts before us each Palm Sunday. We relive the drama of his betrayal, his gift to us in the Eucharist, his agony, scourging, crowning, being mocked, rejected and condemned. All the sin and dysfunction of the world come upon the sinless Lamb of God. Jesus, the God-man, was born for this. He took sin and death upon himself and defeats them – FOREVER.
We have the victory in Christ! He shares it with us. We need not fear death and judgment if we remain in the recesses of His Heart that was pierced for us. St. John saw it. He attests as the soldier thrust the lance into the body of Jesus dead on the cross that “out of his heart flowed blood and water.” From this fountain of life, the pierced Heart of Christ, comes the power of the Sacraments! From this pierced Heart we are fed in the Eucharist. From this pierced Heart we have Heaven on earth, now. We don’t have to wait for “death and judgment” to begin our eternity with Jesus. Heaven touches earth in the Mass. Heaven comes to our hearts in Eucharist. – Fr. Joseph Tuscan, OFM Cap

By the time you get this newsletter, we are entering the Easter season. So, if you have credit card debt, how did you do on your credit card fast? Were you able to resist the urge to “charge it?” Or did you give in to temptation? If you were overcome by temptation, did you – in the words of an old song – simply “pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again?”
We hope you did because, as any life-pledged penitent will willingly testify, we live a life of constant temptation. It is so very, very easy to give in to the ways of the world.
The CFP Constitution provides us with a proven way to structure our lives to be more focused on God and helps us have the grace to resist temptation.
If you succeeded in your credit card fast, congratulations! It really does take an iron will to do so, especially when everything around us screams that we should buy now and pay later. Of course, for that privilege we’re going to pay a high interest rate – typically 15% or more a year. That’s money you could use to meet your obligation to tithe 10% of your income to charitable causes. We’ll talk about tithing later in this series.
I had a rude awakening the other day. I’ve been paying down my credit cards, and it is true that I have credit card balances that are significantly higher than the average American. But still, when I got a notice from Mint that in the past 90 days I paid over $1600 in credit card interest, that was a real shock. That’s $6400 a year – roughly the tithe I should be offering from my income from Social Security, a small Army pension, and my paycheck from teaching.
Would I rather use that $6,400 to support CFP, my parish and other causes I care about, or to enrich the senior executives at the credit card companies? (Jamie Dimon, the CEO of the largest credit card company, J.P. Morgan Chase, last year was paid $31.5 million. I doubt that he needs my $6,400.) You know the answer, and I bet it’s your answer too.
So, if you have credit card debt and if you are following my lead, you’ve succeeded in attempting to avoid new charges, and you’ve started building a reserve fund. Remember, we need a minimum of $1,000 in an easy-to-access reserve. Most of the reason people stumble in paying off their credit cards is an unexpected expense – maybe $800 for a new set of tires, or a $500 bill from the emergency vet for saving your pet’s life.
But if you have built that emergency fund, or are well on your way to doing so, it’s time to, as CFP Rule 29 (c) says, “pay up our debts.” This involves essentially two questions: first, which credit card do you pay off first? and, second, how much do you pay toward this each month?
We can answer both of those in a three-step process.
First, we make a list of our credit cards, their balance and the interest rate we’re paying on each card.
Second, we decide which card to pay off first. There are two different theories, both of them valid. One is to pay off the highest rate card first. That will give you the biggest “bang for the buck” in terms of reducing interest payments. The other theory is to pay off the card with the smallest balance first because you will get a psychological reward by seeing your credit card balance go to zero.
What I did: I had a couple of credit cards with really low balances, under $500 on one, under $1,000 on the other. I paid off those two first. I took those cards out of my wallet, put them into an envelope in my desk.
Next, I turned to the cards with the highest interest rate. Interestingly, I had a couple of those. So I started by paying off the card with the lowest balance but highest rate. When that’s paid off, I’ll switch to the one with the higher balance and highest rate. And so on, until I owe the credit card companies nothing.
Third, we have to decide how much to pay each month to reduce and extinguish the balance, to become debt free – at least on that card. For consumer cards, the banks give you a handy chart that says “if you pay $XX, and don’t charge any more, you can pay off this card in three years. If you make only the minimum payment it will take you XX years, and you’ll pay $XX more interest.” I decided I would aim to pay off the first two cards in three years. So, each month, my bank’s bill pay service sends the credit card company a payment for each card, and, I expect to have those two cards completely paid off in less than three years.
The debt snowball: This is a simple concept, popularized by Dave Ramsey, who has built an empire out of helping people get out of debt. In essence, once you pay off one card, you add that to the payment on the next card, and so on. The effect is that of a snowballing rolling downhill: The more cards you pay off, the quicker you pay off the next card, just like the more a snowball rolls downhill, the bigger it gets. I think it makes a lot of sense. Since you’re paying that amount every month anyway, why not just keep paying it?
Where’s the spirituality in this?
The process I just described is pretty mechanical, so someone seeking to follow Jesus through living the CFP Rule may ask, “Where’s the spirituality in this?” I think there are three answers.
First, as any religious will willingly tell you, strict adherence to the rule of one’s order (or, in our case, Confraternity) is a heavy cross to bear and the most severe penance. It in essence means you are surrendering control of your life to another, in our case, the CFP Rule.
Second, Jesus told a young man who wanted to follow him to “sell all you own, give to the poor and follow me.” This is the basis for the religious vow of poverty. It’s not practical for a layperson to do that, especially if we have a family. But it is practical for a layperson to live the life someone who has just filed for Bankruptcy Act protection lives: Paying cash for everything. That’s the objective of Rule 29(c) – we experience the life of the poor in a sense by paying cash instead of relying on credit. In today’s world, using a debit card is equivalent to paying cash for everything.
Third, it is liberating. It reduces worry about whether you missed a payment. Also, it’s one less bill you have to file, one less check (or billpay) you have to process. That enables you and I to focus more on how we might serve God and less on serving a bank. –Joel Whitaker, CFP
Next month: My Mother’s brown metal box.
What do you call a melon that’s not allowed to marry? Cantaloupe
What does a thesaurus eat for breakfast? A synonym roll.
BREAKING NEWS! Man gets hit by a rental car. Said it Hertz.
Lance is a very uncommon name nowadays. But in medieval times, people were called Lance a lot.
What do you call an Irishman bouncing off the wall? Rick O’Shay.
Why did the phone wear glasses? Because it lost all its contacts.
Bread is like the sun. It rises in the yeast and sets in the waist.
Why do the French eat snails? Because they don’t like fast food.
What has four eyes but can’t see? Mississippi.
What did the cow say to the calf? Its pasture bedtime.

On December 28 of each year, the Church celebrates the feast of the Holy Innocents. These were the first of the huge number of persons who gave their lives for Jesus Christ. Pope Benedict, in his Infancy Narrative volume of Jesus of Nazareth gives us more details about their martyrdom. After the end of the Magi story, Saint Joseph reappears as the principal actor on the stage, albeit acting not on his own initiative but in accordance with instructions that he receives once more from the angel of God in a dream. He is asked to rise in haste and take the child and its mother, to flee to Egypt, and to remain there pending further instructions, "for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him" (Mt 2:13).
In 7 B.C. Herod had had his sons Alexander and Aristobulus executed, as he considered them a threat to his power. In 4 B.C. he killed his son Antipater for the same reason (cf. Scuhlmacher, Die Geburt des Immanuel, p. 85). He thought solely in terms of power. The news the wise men brought him of a pretender to the throne must have alarmed him. It was clear from his character that he would stop at nothing.
"Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, was in a furious rage, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time which he had ascertained from the wise men" (Mt 2:16). It is true that we have no record of this event from non-biblical sources, yet in view of all the atrocities that Herod did commit, that is not enough to prove that it did not take place. Rudolf Pesch quotes the Jewish author Abraham Schalit on the subject: "Belief in the proximate arrival or birth of the Messianic king was in the air at the time. The suspicious tyrant sensed betrayal and hostility everywhere, and a vague rumour reaching his ears would have been enough to put into his sick mind the idea of killing the newborn children. There is nothing impossible about this command" (Die matthäischen Weihnachtsgeschichten, p. 72).
The rivalry between Herod and Jesus goes back over 1700 years. Herold was not Jewish or even an Israelite from one of the other tribes of Israel besides Judah. Herod was an Edomite. The nation of Edom was often at war with Israel. In scripture, the nation of Edom began with Esau who was the son of Isaac who was the only son of Abraham and Sarah. Through a servant, Abraham arranged for Isaac to marry a Mesopotamian woman named Rebekah. (Genesis 24)
Eventually, Rebekah conceived and had fraternal twins, named Esau and Jacob. However, the pregnancy was very difficult for the twins struggled with each other in the womb. “The children struggled together within her; and she said, ‘If it is thus, why do I live?’ So she went to inquire of the LORD. And the LORD said to her, ‘Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples, born of you, shall be divided; the one shall be stronger than the other, the elder shall serve the younger.’ When her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb. The first came forth red, all his body like a hairy mantle; so they called his name Esau. Afterward his brother came forth, and his hand had taken hold of Esau's heel; so his name was called Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when she bore them.” (Gen 25:22-26) This competition between Jacob and Esau foreshadows the rivalry between Herod and Jesus.
In the book of Exodus, Moses encounters God at the Burning Bush. At that time God tells Moses “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” (Ex 3:6) Why was Jacob at the end of the list and not Esau since Esau was the first-born son of Isaac? (Gen 25:25) We do not know the reason for God’s choice, yet it is true that Jacob and Esau were very different. “When the boys grew up, Esau was a skillful hunter, a man of the field, while Jacob was a quiet man, dwelling in tents. Isaac loved Esau, because he ate of his game; but Rebekah loved Jacob.” (Gen 25:27-28) One could say that Esau was a “he-man” while Jacob was a “mamma’s boy”.
Scripture does give us clues concerning why Rebekah’s choice was also God’s choice. First, Esau had the birthright since he was first-born, yet he sold his birthright to Jacob for some food when he was very hungry. Esau acted on impulse rather than the long term. (Gen 25:29-34)
Esau also was disobedient to his parents. When Abraham sent his trusted servant to Mesopotamia from Canaan to find a wife for his son Isaac, He told his servant, “Put your hand under my thigh, and I will make you swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and of the earth, that you will not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell, but will go to my country and to my kindred, and take a wife for my son Isaac.” (Gen 24:2-4) The servant did find a wife in Mesopotamia for Isaac named Rebekah, who was the granddaughter of Abraham’s brother Nahor. However, Rebekah’s son Esau took two Canaanite women to be his wives and “they made life bitter for Isaac and Rebekah” (Gen 26:34). Esau also married a daughter of Abraham’s son, Ishmael. (Gen 25:12-18) Ishmael, however, did not inherit God’s promises to Abraham, but only Isaac. (Gen 17:15-21)
When Isaac was old and near death, he still wanted to give his primary blessing to Esau. He told Esau to kill some wild game for him, cook and flavor it the way he liked it, and then he would give Esau his blessing. However, Rebekah overheard the conversation and by stealth put Jacob in Esau’s place, so Jacob got Isaac’s blessing. (Gen 27:1-29) Soon after this Esau returned with the game he had killed and prepared and brought it to Isaac. Isaac realized that he had been tricked. He also must has seen that Rebekah was behind all of this deception and that it was God’s will that Jacob got the blessing. Esau pleaded with Isaac that he would also get a blessing. Isaac then said that Esau would dwell away from the rainfall and agricultural riches of Canaan and live by the sword and conflict. (Gen 27:30-40) Later, when God did bless Jacob with many sons (twelve) and riches, Esau moved to the desert region to the south of Canaan and became the father of the nation of Edom. In the time of Jesus, Herod was an Edomite who came from an area to the south of Judea, which at that time was called Idumea.
God changed Jacob’s name to Israel (Gen 32:28, Gen 35:10) since he was God’s choice to inherit the land of Canaan which became the land of Israel. (Gen 35:12) Jacob was certainly aware of Abraham’s command that Isaac should marry a wife from Mesopotamia. (Gen 24:2-4) He obeyed Rebekah and Isaac and did go there to obtain a wife, Rachel, the younger daughter of Rebekah’s brother Laban, to be his wife. Laban also had an older daughter named Leah. Jacob had to work seven years for Laban in order to marry Rachel. He did that gladly, and Laban prospered because of Jacob’s work. (Gen 30:27) When Jacob completed the work, he then asked to marry Rachel in accordance with their agreement. However, on the wedding night, Laban arranged for Leah to sleep with Jacob rather than Rachel. In the morning, Jacob discovered Leah there and not Rachel. Laban explained that in Mesopotamia it was not the custom for the younger daughter to marry before the elder one, (Gen 29:26) but Jacob could marry Rachel also if he worked another seven years. Jacob did that and continued to enrich Laban by his work.
When he competed the time, Jacob wanted to take his wives and children back home to Canaan. Laban pressed Jacob to continue to work for him for wages since Laban’s flocks of sheep and goats increased because of Jacob. Jacob chose wages, which Laban agreed to, to increase his own flock, using breeding techniques which he probably learned from his father Isaac, at the expense of Laban’s flock. When Laban became angry at this, Jacob was able to placate Laban and also return to Canaan. (Gen 31:43-55). When Jacob returned to Canaan, he had to placate with gifts his brother, Esau, who was angry since Jacob had taken his birthright and blessing. Although Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah, Leah did bear for him one daughter and six sons who became six of the twelve the tribes of Israel including the priestly tribe of Levi and the royal tribe of Judah from whom came, David, the other kings of Judah and eventually Jesus Christ. Leah’s maid, Zilpah, bore Jacob two more children who were also were considered to be Leah’s children. Rachel bore Jacob two children herself, and two more through her maid, Bilhah, although Rachel died in childbirth when her second son, Benjamin, was born.
There were many reasons why Jacob was God’s choice to become Israel. Jacob was certainly obedient to his parents and to God and prudent in placating those who were angry with him. He also was a man of prayer, for Genesis 27-35 recounts many encounters Jacob had with God including the famous “Jacob’s Ladder” dream at Bethel (Gen 28:10-22) and his wrestling with God at Peniel. (Gen 32:22-32) We can see why God chose Jacob to be the ancestor of David and Jesus Christ while Esau was the ancestor Herod. – Jim Nugent, CFP
On Thursday, March 25, on the Solemnity of the Annunciation, Bishop Kevin Rhoades blessed Annunciation Women’s Vocation Discernment and Volunteer house. About 40 people were present. The Knights of Columbus Council from Saint Charles Borromeo Church, Fort Wayne, explained how 29 members plus several others donated almost 600 hours of labor to assist. The complete donor list follows with photos of this marvelous event!
God Bless the Benefactors of Annunciation Women’s Vocation Discernment and Volunteer House!
We thank God for His many, many graces in this endeavor.
Thanks to the following wonderful benefactors. May God grant blessings to each!
Bishop Kevin Rhoades and the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend for the gift of Annunciation House.
The Mary Cross Tippmann Foundation for their generous grant toward renovations.
Saint Charles Borromeo Knights of Columbus for countless hours of volunteer labor erecting a shed, painting, laying floor, and other odd jobs, plus promise of installing a handicapped ramp, all done with graciousness and joy.
Paul Geradot and St. Henry’s Thrift Store for donation of furniture and furnishings and hauling them here.
Bob Shutt, CFP, for monetary support as well as donation of his labor in finishing sheet rock and installing a drop ceiling.
Luis Garcia for donating labor and materials to finish a bedroom in honor of his mother and for going the extra mile in getting work done on the house.
David Morello and Garden Enterprises Inc. for grant to purchase materials to construct a handicapped ramp.
MSW Construction for their offer to voluntarily install posts needed for a handicapped ramp.
Relator David Springer and Titan Title for pro-bono work in obtaining the deed and property title.
Nathan Moore of CME for pro-bono architectural work on guest quarters/priest apartment.
Attorney Thomas Niezer for pro-bono legal guidance.
Sharon and Mike Kacprowicz for paint donation and generous room donation in honor of Ursula Ley.
JAGH Preservation Society for donation of pews and side altar from St. Andrew’s Church for use in house chapel.
A member of Knights of Columbus Council 451, who wishes to remain anonymous, for remaking altar, designing the layout, obtaining the carved Communion railings, and generally setting up the house chapel.
Saint John the Baptist Church, New Haven, Indiana, for loan of original carved Communion rails for use in the house chapel.
The women of St. Charles Borromeo St. Vincent DePaul Society for cleaning house prior to Bishop’s blessing.
Dave MacDonald for donation of furniture items and monetary support.
Sandy Seyfert, CFP, for donation of furniture items as well as monetary support.
Jackie Stevens, CFP, for donation of furniture items as well as monetary support.
Alice and Chuck Porembski, CFP Affiliates, for donation of paint, furniture, and household items.
Saint Joseph Mission for donation of furniture items.
Jan Scher, CFP Affiliate, for donation of household items.
Andy Passino, CFP Affiliate, for donation of household items, paint, and volunteer labor in basement renovations.
Nelvia Soto and granddaughter, Angie and Ryan Pias and family, Chase Wall, Erin Wells, Jim and Madeline Nugent, Sandy Seyfert, Muriel Sack, Erica Noll, and Tim Luncsford for moving furniture, cleaning, and other odd jobs.
The Poor Sisters of Saint Clare for their ongoing prayer for this endeavor.
We thank the following donors for their sacrificial monetary donations:
Ann Fennessey, CFP
Bernadette Becker
Cam Parvitee, CFP
Carl Nastasi
Cheryl Roy
Claudia Sbrissa
Dale Bell
Darlene Simpson
David MacDonald
Debbie Leinweber
Diane Stuart
Dianne Joslyn, CFP
Grace French, CFP
Guerda Julien
Harland Clarke
Honora aka Noreen Hunt
James Nugent, CFP
James Wertner
John L Becker Jr
John Marchese, CFP Affiliate
Jorge D Aguilar
Karen Hoperberger, CFP
Karen Sadock. CFP
Kimberly Folkerts Huff
Kristen Rinaldo
Laura Wells
Linda Spohr, CFP Associate
Lucy Fernandez, CFP
M L Sack
Madeline Nugent, CFP
Mariah Dragolich, CFP
Michelle Pasko
Nancy Landry
Patricia Davis, CFP
Patricia Jaeckel
Patricia Murray, CFP
Rita Farnsworth, CFP
Robert Boczek, CFP
Elizabeth Lemire, CFP
Ruth Lauth, CFP Affiliate
Robertson Electrical Service LLC
Rosemary Aamot, CFP Affiliate
Sandra Lewis, CFP
Silvia Tieszen
Anthony Nave
Matthew Grantham
Anthony LaCalamita, CFP
Timothy Strickland
Eric Welch
Stephan Piro, CFP Affiliate
Stephen E Tll
Susan Brady, CFP
Suzanne Swank
Teri Keller. CFP
Thomas Folkerts-Huff
Thomas McGovern
Trentadue CPA Firm
Wellington Lemmer
William Elsass, CFP
Gratitude to the following
benefactors who donated $20
or more through a link on the CFP
Holy Angels Gift Shop website:
Kathleen Ahearn
Lydia Alvarez
Anita Brotonel
Gloria Buchanan
Maria Asunción Cabrera Arroyo
Joanne Carey
Arthur Dwyer
Robert Emmert Jr
Karen Eustice
Andre A Franco
Peter Gennuso
Eileen Grimmer
Mary Elizabeth Hatch
Martha Hilt
Nia Husk
Justina Jennings
Lynn M Kemmetmueller
Bernadette Kucharczuk
Phyllis J Lachowyn, OSF
Katharine Lawrence
Maria Malone
John Martin
Loretta Mazzola
Sheila McGuire
Sally Mercado
Margaret Ann Murphy
Jannine M Norvell
Adelaida Ospina Rodas
Caren A Otis
Raymond Piccirilli

William Roberts, Tim Ryan, Tirzah Spang, Pam Stout, Timothy Suspanic, Marianne Van Doorn Perez, Jesuzette Wadhwani, Mark Watson
Carol White, Kenneth Wolfert, OSF, Ruth Zinken
We also thank the many additional donors who donated smaller amounts through the same gift shop link. May God bless each of these and grant them every grace for their kindness.
Consider helping again!
Guadalupe Men’s Vocation Discernment and Volunteer House
2801 New Haven Avenue, Fort Wayne (1 block from Annunciation House)
Benefactors and donors needed to supply: Financial help Grant Referrals Furniture Building Materials Volunteer Labor Household Items Bedding Linens Prayers!
All donations tax deductible! May God reward you!


This year I will be 39, for the 38th time. My, how time flies when you’re having fun, and even when you are not. I don't know where the years went. It seems that, just like yesterday, I was a kid. My daughter tells me that is because I haven't grown up yet.
Soon I will be coming out of Middle Age. I can hardly wait. My friends are giving me an award this year. I am now officially "the most famous person that nobody ever heard of.” WOW! That and $2.50 will get me a cup of coffee. Glad I don't drink the stuff.
So, I want to tell you that I love the CFP, It IS assisting me in so many ways in learning about myself and my childhood with Our Father. I see my inconsistencies, my doubts, and my great joy at knowing, loving, and serving Him. I cannot get over my good fortune of just being here, be a being in existence, being an Existant. WOW! Why is there not nothing. But I am here, and I am loved Infinitely. Simply amazing contemplating my own uniqueness among the cosmos. It leaves my speechless. (I am sure this must make plenty of people happy).
One good thing about being so young, like me, is that I have grown to walk and talk with God in a very intimate way that makes my heart burst with something beyond the normal kind of love people settle for. To walk with God, to converse with Him, to hold hands with Him, to discuss things, to share experiences, to just stop and think about Him, is so enriching. I thank Him for all of these moments when I can sense his presence and even when I can't. What a great way to pass out of middle-age. In spite of everything going on in this world, God is there, Father, Son, Holy Spirt, loving me first. –Raymond Newkirk, CFP
“He will provide the way and the means, such as you could never have imagined. Leave it all to Him, let go of yourself. Lose yourself on the Cross, and you will find yourself entirely.” – St. Catherine of Siena
“Unless there is a Good Friday in your life, there can be no Easter Sunday.” – Ven. Fulton Sheen