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Original Franciscan "Third Order" -- Confraternity of Penitents
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Confraternity of Penitents Monthly Newsletter - January 2017

Visitor’s Vision: NEW BEGINNINGS
It is interesting to me that the Church selected a portion of the Book of Numbers (precisely Num 6:22-27), as one of the readings at Mass on the first day of the each New Year. And this is because of the wonderful fact that this is a section titled ‘the priestly blessing’, which tells of God commanding Moses to instruct Aaron and his sons on how to call down the blessings of God on the people. If one examines this further, one will discover that this instruction was given while the Israelites prepared to leave Mount Sinai for the eastern border of the Promised Land, not only as the people of God but also as ‘wandering Armenians’. In other words, two things are evident here. One, that God wanted to bless a people, and two, these people are on a journey to the Promised Land. This is even more interesting when we view it within the context of the people’s history as described in the Book of Numbers. Take for instance the description seen in the brief introduction of the book in the Good News Bible with Deuterocanonical Books (Today’s English Version, 114), which says: “The book of Numbers is an account of a people who were often discouraged and afraid in the face of hardship, and who rebelled against God and against Moses, the man God appointed to lead them”. The journey had numerous ups and downs.
Now, for the Church to select this reading for the Mass of the first day of the year, surely shows the amazing fact that the Church is thinking about Christians as they begin another year in their continuing journey to the Heavenly Jerusalem that is depicted in the last book of the Bible (Rev 21). The Church knows that Christians are often people who are discouraged, afraid and weighed down by the trials of Christian witnessing, in a world that has grown very critical of Christ’s message and life. This assurance of God’s blessing at the beginning of the year points to the perennial truth that the Church is human and divine, being the body of Christ, the head (Col 1:18). She follows the footsteps of her Lord and Savior, God the Son, in caring for all peoples. What a beautiful feeling this can evoke in one going to Mass on New Year’s Day! One hears the reading that talks about God’s desire to bless His pilgrim people, on their way to the New Jerusalem, through His consecrated ministers.
Meanwhile, one will also notice that the Mass celebrated on the first day of the New Year is the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God. This is again an interesting point, for in a way, we are given the opportunity to begin the New Year with Mary, the Mother of God, who, by becoming the Mother of Christ through her ‘yes’ to God, became the link between humanity and divinity. Her fiat, as the Gospel recorded, was: “I am the handmaid of God. May it be done to me according to your word” (Lk 1:38).
Of course, her whole journey as the Mother of God was not an easy one. She went through many crucibles as Simeon prophesied (Lk 2:34-35), but she became victorious, by cooperating with the grace of God, already bestowed on her before she was conceived (Lk 1:28, 30). In other words, by presenting her to us on the first day of the year, the Church wishes to assure us that we are ultimately bound to be victorious on our own journey, which is one of the core messages of the whole Scripture. As some Scripture scholars noted of the Book of Revelation while discussing Mary in the New Testament: “The overall purpose of the author of Revelation is to assure his readers of ultimate victory in times of persecution. This story of how the dragon failed to destroy the child of the woman, and of how God continues to protect the woman and her offspring in the wilderness when the dragon pursues her, surely fits into the overall purpose” (Brown R. E. et al. (eds.), Mary in the New Testament, 2004, T.P.I. Bangalore, 231).
Now, I think the beginning of the year points to all the many beginnings in our lives. Whether it is the beginning of the day or the week or the month or a new job or a new state of life, etc., new beginnings are always around us. Think about the month of January for instance. We recall that from one perspective, January, which means Ianuarius in Latin and is traced from the Latin word for door (ianua), points to a beginning, since January is the door to the year. Also, even when we look at January from the other perspective of coming from Janus, the god of beginnings and transitions in Roman mythology, it still points to a beginning, since Janus is said to have two faces and possess the power to see the past and the future. Hence, January, which is the 1st month of the year, speaks of the resolutions we make at the beginning of the year, after we have taken a long look behind at what was, cast a long look at what will be, and then carefully articulate some meaningful and proper decisions. In all this, what is important is to view each new beginning as grace moment, to gain the blessing of God that encourages us and makes us steadfast as we journey towards the Promised Land. As such, each new beginning is a moment to respond to the love and presence of God, by resolving anew to cooperate with the grace of God.
This response is also exemplified by St. Francis and St. Clare. In her book, Francis and Clare: A Gospel Story, Helen Julian, CSF noted that the response of St. Francis and St. Clare to God’s love is penance: “For both Francis and Clare, the cross, the passion of Christ, called for a response. If God had done so much for them, how could they not seek to return something to him? Penance was, for them, this response, and was therefore central to their lives” (Julian, H., Francis and Clare: A Gospel Story, The Word Among Us Press, Maryland, 2005, 93). Thus, summing up, the blessings of God come to us who are on a journey (pilgrimage), not only at the beginning of the year but at each new beginning, as we continue to repeat our ‘yes’ and our fiat in the footsteps of the Mother of God, St Francis and St Clare, despite the challenges and failure we encounter with those resolutions. Each new beginning is a gift and an opportunity from God, which calls for a response. And this response is another carefully considered and conscientious new beginning, with resolve to use our time, talent and treasures more wisely, while pondering anew the mystery of the incarnation, of life and of death, amidst the penance, mortification and challenges of our Christian life.
--Father Francis Chukwuma, CFP Visitor
During the Christmas season, we celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ into the world as a man two thousand years ago. However, what did Jesus Christ actually bring to the world? In volume I of Jesus of Nazareth, Pope Benedict XVI has just finished discussing the three temptations which Satan presented to Jesus. In the first temptation, Satan asked Jesus to turn stones into bread. In the second temptation, Satan asked Jesus to throw himself down from the temple in order to test God. Satan asks Jesus to worship him in exchange for all the kingdoms of the world in the third temptation. Pope Benedict’s discussion of these temptations is contained in Chapter II, pages 25 – 45. Since all three temptations are concerned with bringing about a better world, we need to consider what Pope Benedict has to say about this whole issue. What did Jesus actually bring, if not world peace, universal prosperity, and a better world? What has he brought?
The answer is very simple: God. He has brought God. He has brought the God who formerly unveiled his countenance gradually, first to Abraham, then to Moses and the Prophets, and then in the Wisdom Literature---the God who revealed his face only in Israel, even though he was also honored among the pagans in various shadowy guises. It is this God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the true God, whom he has brought to the nations of the earth.
He has brought God, and now we know his face, now we can call upon him. Now we know the path that we human beings have to take in this world. Jesus has brought God and with God the truth about our origin and destiny: faith, hope, and love. It is only because of our hardness of heart that we think this is too little. Yes indeed, God's power works quietly in this world, but it is the true and lasting power. Again and again, God's cause seems to be in its death throes. Yet over and over again it proves to be the thing that truly endures and saves. The earthly kingdoms that Satan was able to put before the Lord at that time have all passed away. Their glory, their doxa, has proven to be a mere semblance. But the glory of Christ, the humble, self-sacrificing glory of his love, has not passed away, nor will it ever do so.
We need to constantly remind ourselves about what we really want. This is a question which Jesus put to the people of His time and He continues to put this same question to humanity down through the ages and right to the present. At the time of Jesus, there were many who truly hungered for God. God chose one of them, Mary, from her conception to be His mother. Others, such as Elizabeth, John the Baptist, the apostles, evangelists, and many others had important roles in God’s plan. Even among pagans, there were “fearers of God”. These were people who saw the fallacy of pagan religions and could see that the Jews worshipped the true God. Yet, they could not become Jews in the full sense. Some of these are mentioned in Scripture, such as the centurion whose servant was healed by Jesus (Mt 8:5-13) or Cornelius whom God sent to Peter to show him that Gentiles could receive the Word of God (Acts 10:1-43). There were Jews and Gentiles who hungered for God and, when they heard Jesus or heard about Him, they flocked to Him. Jesus Christ brought them God. Of course, He was not just a teacher who taught about God. He showed them and us the Face of God since He was God. For two thousand years, people who have hungered for God and have had Jesus brought to them have embraced Jesus Christ.
On the other hand, there were many at the time of Christ and down to the present who have rejected Jesus even though they knew about Him. Some reject God outright but others reject the God of Jesus Christ. In truth, Jesus Christ did not eliminate war, disease, injustice, poverty, slavery, or any of the evils of His time which continue down to the present time. This is probably why many who know and even understand Jesus reject Him or perhaps try to mold Him to their own image. Yes, Jesus did bring God to the world, but, as Pope Benedict put it, this is too little for some people. These individuals think that first we need to eliminate the problems of the world such as war, poverty, racism, sexism and all the others. Then, there will be time to pray and think about God. Some think that building a better world according to some wonderful political plan is in itself serving God. If our political plans lead to disaster and division, it must be God’s fault.
Pope Benedict has often pointed out that Jesus Christ never presented any kind of plan for the laws of society to build a better society. The Sermon on the Mount and other moral teachings are aimed only at the individual. For example, when the Good Samaritan sees the man beaten and robbed on a road, he does not try to persuade the Romans to better police the road. He takes care of the man. This lack of political action on the part of Jesus has led some to reject Him or remold Him as a political activist. Even though Jesus is presented as the new Moses in the New Testament, He did not propose laws for the smooth running of society as Moses did. Of course, we can now see that there is a very good reason for this focus on the individual. Jesus was not building a nation or a society. He was building a Church, His Church. “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Mt 16:18). Moses was framing laws for one people in one small part of the world. Jesus was building a Church for the whole world.
What about building a better world? Isn’t that important? Does Jesus Christ, as true God and true Man, not care about making a better world? Yes, He does care about a better world as do those who have embraced Him such as St. Francis, St. Vincent De Paul, or St. Teresa of Calcutta.
It comes back to what we truly want. Is the God which Jesus gives us too little for us or do we understand that there can be no better world without God? By embracing God and His Will for our lives, we are building a better world. This could come about by concrete service as done by Mother Teresa and her Missionaries of Charity. On the other hand, prayer and even prayer alone can bring about a better world. We cannot do it without God. This is why we need what Jesus brought to the world, God. When God is put on the “back burner” so that we worship Him later when we have the time, things go badly. Power, money, political programs, scientific advances and other things can be means to a better world, but without God, these all lead to division and ruin. This has happened over and over again. The world needs good and holy people, and Jesus Christ can and has provided them. We need to continually make a choice. Do we try to build a better world and thereby serve God or do we truly serve and embrace God and thereby build a better world?
-- Jim Nugent, CFP
Following Francis, Following Christ: LET’S SEE WHAT’S OUT THERE
In the first episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Captain Picard is taking the USS Enterprise to the planet Deneb Four "beyond which," he writes in his Captain's log, "lies the great unexplored mass of the galaxy." On the way to Far Point station, the starship encounters a being who calls himself 'Q'. Q tells Captain Picard to turn the Enterprise around and says, "You can't deny that you're still a dangerous, savage child race." Picard replies, "No, this is the same old story --self-righteous life forms who are eager not to learn but to prosecute, to judge anything they can't understand or tolerate."
As John the Baptist sits in a prison cell for preaching that the Christ was coming, Christ Himself asks us a question about who we are as a people and a race: "Who did you go out to see?" He asks us if we are a people who judge and condemn. Or are we a people that are 'least', full of joy and gratitude? He asks, "Are we a people who go out to seek out new life and to encounter Christ in the poor and those on the fringes of space?" This is how Saint Francis envisioned his Order—brothers in Christ who went out into the world to meet whomever God put into their paths, to help as they were able, and to share the Good News of Christ.
'Q' did not understand humans, nor did the Israelites understand Jesus. 'Q' asks Captain Picard on trial, "And so you petition this court to accept you and your comrades as proof as to what humanity has become?" 'Q' then leaves the crew of the Enterprise to be 'tested' on their mission to Far Point station. People on the planet of Deneb Four were using an alien life form that could use energy in a unique way to create something out of its energy that people found desirable. However, the creators of Far Point Station had used this life form for their own benefit and enjoyment. This life form had a mate that was seeking its return. Captain Picard and the crew found a way to return its mate by feeding it energy from the Enterprise. When the alien mate rose from the ground of Deneb Four and was returned to its mate, Troi proclaims, "Sir! Wonderful! A feeling of great joy. And gratitude. From both of them."
'Q', the great and powerful God-like being, admitted that one of his weaknesses was lacking generosity. Why did the Enterprise go out to Far Point Station? Their prime directive was to seek out life and to provide assistance to those in need. Theirs was a peace keeping mission of exploration. Isn't this what Jesus is asking us to do--to seek out the needy and help them?
In a well-known story, St. Francis explains to Brother Leo what perfect joy is. He tells Brother Leo that perfect joy is not found in being in high places or in being praised and welcomed by those who are looking for celebrities. Instead, perfect joy is found in being patient and in controlling one's anger when you are treated badly and when others don't recognize your goodness and worth.
'Q' saw humanity as child-like savages obsessed with wars and destroying each other. But behind all that is a long history of, as James writes, 'an example of hardship and patience.' So what do I see? Do I want to oppose the work of the spirit at work in the world or do I want to partake in it, to share in its hope? In the Earlier Rule, St. Francis writes, "They should respect spiritually and attentively one another, and honor one another without complaining. Let them be careful not to appear outwardly as sad and gloomy hypocrites but show themselves as joyful, cheerful and consistently gracious in the Lord.” Carl Jung writes in a letter, "Why can't you see Jesus in your own poverty, in your own hunger and thirst? In all that is 'strange' inside you: in the violence and the anguish that are beyond your control! You are called to welcome all this, not to deny its existence, but to accept that it is there and to meet Jesus there."
Is this what Jesus is asking us to see? Francis was so full of joy that he was also full of gratitude for you can’t have one without the other. After the Enterprise had released the alien life form and reunited it with its mate, the twosome were filled with joy. In being filled with joy, they were grateful to those who had extended their generosity toward them, a generosity that 'Q' didn't believe that humanity possessed.
I believe that we can only be filled with this joy when we are able to see the poverty in our own hearts. Until then, we can’t learn to be a true friend to another person. Romano Guardini writes about gratitude this way: "Human need is not the only occasion which can give rise to gratitude. Gratitude can spring up wherever kindliness perceives an opportunity to bring joy, create beauty, or brighten life. Then the one who is made joyful says, 'You have done this. I thank you.'"
Captain Picard tells 'Q' that seeking the unknown has brought the Enterprise out into space to discover and render assistance. This mission required faith. Faith has always been a mystery. We are invited to share this mystery with the poor, for Jesus says that anyone can listen to and hear words of peace. How can we clear the path towards unity and communion with God and each other? What are the obstacles that keep us locked inside our own prisons? Captain Picard reminds us that the real gift of friendship is really ourselves. We should be less concerned about the appearance of things and more concerned about pouring out generosity from our hearts. Henri Nouwen writes, "True joy is hidden where we are the same as other people: fragile and mortal. It is the joy of belonging to the human race. It is joy of being with others as a friend, a companion, a fellow traveler. This is the joy of Jesus, who is Emmanuel: God-with-us."
I try to bring this joy to my different ministries. Like the crew of the Enterprise as they travel among the stars encountering beings great and small, I remind myself that I am just a fellow pilgrim. Does simply providing someone with food, clothing, and shelter bring happiness to a person? Or is my ministry a ministry of presence? Am I being a friend to someone looking for companionship? Do I visit a neighbor, not to just do things for them but also to share life with them? Do I hand out plates of food to people who are hungry or do I bring a smile with me, a warm greeting and a listening ear?
The wise men brought not only precious physical gifts to Jesus but also their personal gifts of understanding, listening, befriending the stranger, sitting next to someone who is different. Like St. Francis doing these things away from the spotlight, the wise men were also likely laughed at, ridiculed, and judged as crazy.
'Q' judged humanity by its past struggles, violence, and atrocities. There are those who judge the Church in the same way. We must realize, however, that the Church, although divine in origin, consists of human beings. We become saints by following the way that John the Baptist prepared, by allowing Christ to work in us to produce fruit even though we are flawed and often times misjudged. But if we can find faith, hope, and love in our common humanity, we can make progress. 'But the desert and the parched land will exult; the steppe will rejoice and bloom. They will bloom with abundant flowers, and rejoice with joyful song." (Is 35)
So, as Captain Picard is so fond of saying, and as Saint Francis would agree, "Let's see what's out there."
--Jesse Pellow, CFP Postulant

The Fictional character Q in Star Trek: The Next Generation --
Compare to Jesus Christ in every generation
The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending; and to have the two as close together as possible. - George Burns . . . Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people only once a year.- Victor Borge . . . Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. - Mark Twain . . . By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.-- Socrates . . . I have never hated a man enough to give his diamonds back. - Zsa Zsa Gabor . . . Money can't buy you happiness .... But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery. - Spike Milligan . . . I don't feel old. I don't feel anything until noon. Then it's time for my nap. - Bob Hope . . . We could certainly slow the aging process down if it had to work its way through Congress. - Will Rogers . . . Don't worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older, it will avoid you. - Winston Churchill . . . Maybe it's true that life begins at fifty .. But everything else starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out. - Phyllis Diller . . . By the time a man is wise enough to watch his step, he's too old to go anywhere. - Billy Crystal . . . The cardiologist's diet: If it tastes good spit it out.
Thoughts from CFP’ers - The Virtue of Eagerness
The virtue of Eagerness is an excitement, at the moment, to do for God and neighbor, without delay. It is a gift that prepares us to live the fullness of the Gospel. Let us be encouraged to practice this virtue, and, when we are unexpectedly asked to do something for God and our neighbor, let us not hesitate but be filled with zeal. Come Holy Spirit, through the intercession of St. Francis, grant us to live the virtue of Eagerness, and when we are lazy and do not want to be eager at the moment, help us to overcome our feelings and be intoxicated with Your gifts. Amen.
--Donna Kaye Rock, CFP Postulant
Reflection on the Rule: Appendix D: Works of Mercy
The Spiritual Works of Mercy are: Instruct the ignorant -- Advise the doubtful -- Correct sinners -- Be patient with those in error or who do wrong -- Forgive offenses -- Comfort the afflicted -- Contemplate creation -- Pray for the living and the dead.​ The Corporal Works of Mercy are: Feed the hungry -- Give drink to the thirsty -- Clothe the naked -- Shelter the homeless -- Visit the sick and imprisoned -- Ransom the captive -- Care for creation -- Bury the dead.
REFLECTION: As penitents who are trying to follow Christ in the spirit of Saint Francis, we have a pressing obligation to study these works of mercy and to put them into practice as St. Francis did. Not only did St. Francis perform these works of mercy but he actually went looking for occasions to perform them. We can be surprised by the opportunities to grow in holiness. Let us surprise others through our merciful works.
Monthly Letter to All Penitents: A New Kind of Vocation
Being called to live our CFP Rule is a vocation in the Church. The life of a penitent is a beautiful life which can be lived in one’s own home. It’s a religious Rule for the laity, and the Rule keeps us focused on God throughout the day, no matter what our parenting, retirement, or employment tasks may be. The Rule asks us to temper and even relinquish some of our desires in the areas of food, clothing, and how we spend our time. We are called to fasting and abstinence, to more prayer, and to simplicity of life. All these can be done at home, wherever our home may be.
The Confraternity of Penitents is offering, at its administrative office in Fort Wayne, Indiana, a new kind of vocation, a deepening of the CFP vocation. The vocation at this location would be to leave behind your home and probably many of your belongings to relocate to the administrative headquarters and assist the Confraternity of Penitents with its ministry. Those who are called to this deeper vocation of contemplative ministry will join three others already living the CFP Rule of Life at the CFP headquarters.
The day here typically begins with morning Mass at St. Andrew’s Church two blocks away where penitents join Franciscan Friars and Poor Clare nuns for a celebration of the Eucharist. We then return to the CFP house for Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours, prayed together in the house prayer chapel. Since we eat only two meals a day, the only meal in common is supper with some of us taking breakfast on our own and others taking lunch.
The typical workday begins at 9:30 AM and continues until 5:30 PM. During this day, those who are praying all seven hours of the Divine Office take time to pray the three Little Hours. We pray Evening Prayer together at 4 PM, after which those assigned to supper detail begin cooking. Those who have a different prayer option, such as an hour of mental prayer or a 15 decade rosary per day, will fit those prayers into their schedule either before or after the work day. Supper is at 5:30 PM followed by Night Prayer at 6 PM. The evening is free for those who do not have other work obligations such as washing dishes or cleanup from supper. Saturday’s are workdays if the 40 hours of work isn’t completed during the week. Sundays and Solemnities are always free days when penitents may relax as they wish. On these days of rest, we continue to pray Morning, Evening, and Night Prayer together.
How do penitents spend their free time? They may write, read, visit St. Andrew’s Church, look at a movie, chat, engage in a hobby, take a walk, play a game, play cards, or even nap. They may pray in their rooms or in the house or the outdoor prayer chapel or in Mary’s Glen Prayer Park.
What does work consist of? Work consists of computer work, emailing, website upkeep and development, managing the CFP Holy Angels Gift Shop, making phone calls, answering the phone, filing, mailing, packaging merchandise, promotion of the CFP through social media, and so on. Since the CFP maintains two organic vegetable gardens on the property, spring, summer, and fall work involves gardening, weeding, lawn and glen maintenance, and freezing vegetables.
Skills needed for on-site volunteers include fluency in English, good spelling and grammar skills, and computer skills. Applicants should be in good health and of able body. They must be able to live simply in a rustic setting with few personal possessions. They must be content to have their own small bedroom for their personal use, while sharing the rest of the living areas with others on the property. They need good social skills for interacting with other penitents, frequent visitors, and guests. Above all they should be men and women of peace and prayer who want to surrender their lives to God through a lay vocation of both contemplation and ministry. Before being accepted, they must spend some time at the CFP headquarters, undergo a background check and a psychological evaluation, and provide references, one from their parish priest.
Like the other penitents living at the headquarters, these incoming on-site volunteers will participate in formation as penitents with the goal of pledging to live the CFP Rule for life and possibly privately vowing to do the same. The CFP will provide them with room and board. We ask the prayers of CFP members, friends, associates., and affiliates so that the Lord leads to this on site vocation those whom He has already selected to come. May God reward you for your prayers and support!
--Madeline Pecora Nugent, CFP
Confraternity Photo Album -- A Penitent’s Rustic Bedroom at CFP Headquarters

One penitent's rustic bedroom at CFP headquarters.
Above: Desk area with shelf and overhead storage.
Above right: Window and small closet.
Immediate right: Bed with storage above and below.
Each small bedroom also has its own small porch as can be seen in the above photo.
Each room is equipped with heat, light, and fan.
From the CFP Holy Angels Gift Shop –Ancient Faith Greeting Cards.
12 different cards, all beautiful styles. 2.95 each. Available from CFP Holy Angels Gift Shop on this link.
Options to be mailed to customer or to recipient of customer’s choice with message from the customer.
Free Shipping.

Thoughts from Several Sources
“I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Scientists and doctors marvel at how wonderfully man is made. We are God’s masterpiece. A masterpiece is the ultimate of one’s creativity. All machinery is patterned after the human body. Consider the heart. It is the engine and the pump. It is a massive muscle weighing approximately ¾ of a pound. It beats more than 60-80 times a minute, a hundred thousand times a day, forty million times a year. It exerts enough energy every 14 hours to raise a two pound weight twelve miles into the air. It moves more than 10 tons of blood in 24 hours. The heart never rests more than a fraction of a second at a time. The heart keeps on working until God says it is enough. God made the heart, in itself a marvellous creation. God can come into your heart, only you have to invite Him. Most folks I meet think we are the body. But we are really spiritual beings, just living in this glove until its earthly job is done.
JEWISH SAYINGS Gold and silver are purified through fire; if you feel no sense of improvement after praying, you are either made of base metal, or your prayer lacked heat. Better pray for yourself than curse another. When I pray, I pray quickly, because I am talking to God. When I read the Good Book, I read slowly, because God is talking to me. The gates of prayer are sometimes closed, but the gates of repentance are always open. Among those who laugh, do not weep. Among those who weep, do not laugh. There is no man who has not his hour, and no thing that has not its place. Hold no man accountable for what he says in his grief. Those who sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind. The door to success has two signs. PUSH and PULL. Suffering is precious because it is a divine covenant. The tongue can be more dangerous than a dagger.
FROM VARIOUS PULPITS:- No trouble can come so near, that God is not nearer. Peace is the deliberate adjustment of my life to the Will of God. Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best Friends listen to what you DON’T say.
David Curry, CFP Affiliate, Oct. 2, 2016, Breath of God Ministry Newsletter