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2016 Photos from the Confraternity of Penitents

Prisoners Rosary

Prisoners with Rosaries made for CFP Holy Angels Gift Shop.

Tim shreds logs at Mary's Glen

Tim feeds the wood chipper at Mary's Glen Clean Up and Preparation Day, June 21, 2016

Mary's Glen

Mary' Glen Cleanup June 21, 2016

Lydia cleaning Mary's Glen

Lydia clearing fence line at Mary's Glen Clean up. June 21, 2016


Prayer Chapel Arrives for Mary's Glen 5/11/16

Faith and Canvas Painting Class

Faith and Canvas with artist Tim Luncsford. Monthly on 2nd Friday at CFP Headquarters.

2016 Pledgees

Newly pledged, privately vowed CFP members Judie S, Cyndi K, Fr. Jacob Meyer, CFP Visitor, Sandy S- April 24, 2016

Pledging 1

Life Pledges of 3 CFP members showing inside of St. Andrew's Church, Fort Wayne IN (2 blocks from CFP Headquarters)

Life Pledge 2

Life Pledge of 3 CFP members showing inside of St. Andrew's Church, 2 blocks form CFP headquarters


Life Pledge of 3 CFP members showing altar and Poor Clare Cloister Grill (to right) in St. Andrew's Church.

Ed Moss

Ed M, life pledged and privately vowed, April 6, 2016. Pictured with his wife Sandra.


Andy P, CFP member, smoothes dirt in raised garden bed at CFP headquarters.


4 truckloads of dirt arrive to fill raised garden bed at CFP headquarters


Common area completed February 2016

Tim Strickland

Tim S, member of CFP Alessandro Ministry


Iffat N arrives from Pakistan to work at CFP headquarters

Dolores and Mary Ann

Mary Ann G and Dolores V pledge and privately vow to live the CFP Rule for Life, June 24, 2016.

Retreat 2016

Some CFP Summer Retreat 2016 attendees. Father Jerome Wolbert, OFM, Retreat Master


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Confraternity of Penitents

1702 Lumbard Street

 Fort Wayne IN USA 46803 



May God bless you and give you joy!

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